Sophisticated Downhole Imaging Capability

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RCA has significantly enhanced their downhole imaging capability with the purchase of a sophisticated borehole camera.  The device is capable of inspecting bore and voids to depths of up to 200m and is able to be utilised in bores of minimum diameter of 70mm.  The camera allows full remote control of pan and tilt from the surface and can be configured with a range of light sources depending upon the application.  The device has found use in a range of applications including inspection of inclinometers, rock sockets (at a range of inclinations), bored piers and piezometers.

For abandoned mine workings the camera provides the ability to assess a range of mine characteristics such as overburden condition, void size and condition, and pillar location and condition.  To date the camera has been used to inspect workings up to 100m depth in dry and submerged mines and has proved invaluable in assessing risks of development over old and current underground workings.

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