Construction Materials Testing Laboratory

The NATA accredited construction and materials testing laboratory at RCA Australia provides a range of services ranging from laboratory testing of construction materials to on-site advice and supervision services which provides the highest quality client focused customer services and support to our various consulting services. RCA Australia’s NATA scope of accreditation for construction materials testing is here:

RCA Laboratories use HELPA software which enables rapid and detailed reporting of all test methods offered.
Our commitment to safety and quality are the driving forces behind everything we do and backed with our wealth of project experience enables us to fluently engage with your project team and exceed your expectations at every step.

Common tests performed include:



Bearing Strength Tests

Strength Tests

Reactivity Tests

Classification Tests

Compaction Tests

Field Density Tests



Bulk Density

Particle Size Distribution

Particle Shape Tests

Wet Dry Strength


Foreign Materials



Slump Test

Air Content

Mass Per Unit Volume

Make & Cure Test Specimens

Compression Tests

Mass/Unit Volume of Hardened Concrete

Our experienced team of earthworks technicians and geotechnical engineers have a large range of site inductions and certifications and are able to establish from our Newcastle office or remote establishment as required to best service your project throughout the Hunter and greater NSW area.

RCA Australia offers a broad range of onsite earthworks testing services to assist your project:

  • Level 1 or 2 supervision of fill
  • Compaction control testing, including nuclear density testing
  • Engineering properties testing
  • Soil classification
  • Rail possession works
  • Pavements and road works
  • Aggregate and quarry testing
  • Concrete testing

RCA Australia operates NATA accredited construction and materials testing laboratory out of our Carrington office which offers a wide range of mechanical property testing.

Additionally, RCA Australia has NATA approval to operate external materials laboratories (including automated compaction testing) on your site which we have used to successfully reduce costs and increase efficiency on a range of large construction projects.

RCA Australia’s NATA accredited laboratories offer an extensive selection of laboratory and field testing services to a range of standards including Australian Standards and Transport for NSW (TfNSW).

Our Construction Materials Testing business is registered with TfNSW to complete L2 contracts.